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Draw and colour your perfect potion!

Mariajo Ilustrajo

Mariajo Ilustrajo

Winner of the Klaus Flugge Prize for Illustration 2023.

In this spellbinding story, we meet a little girl excited for the end of term. No more school! However, she’s given the very unreasonable task of reading a whole book over the holidays. A whole book? But she HATES books. But her sister takes her to the library – she says she has just the thing.

Slowly, the little girl is drawn into a world of adventure: a little fennec fox leads her to meet fairytale witches and creatures, as they find ingredients to cast a special spell at the end of her book. At first, the little girl is dismayed to learn that this spell seemingly hasn’t changed a thing . . . however, the little fox points out that she HAS transformed: discovering the power of her imagination has changed her forever.

Grab your colouring pens and print out these drawing & colouring sheets – draw and colour the ingredients for your own perfect potion!

How about borrowing this book from the library for your Summer Reading Challenge?

I Hate Love Books is part of the Marvellous Makers Book Collection.