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Meet Kai!

DOWNLOAD MY ACTIVITY: How to make up a dance

Hi, I’m Kai, and I love to dance. I’m always practising new moves, dipping and flipping, spinning and sliding, plus finessing my fancy footwork.

I love making up dance routines too, and I try to get my family and friends to perform them. They don’t always say yes, but when they do, I’m over the moon. Charlie is always up for banging some beats in the background.

I also love poetry – especially people being playful with words. It makes my brain fizz!

For my activity I’ve combined the two – poetry AND dancing. Double the fun! It’s absolutely packed with creative ideas – take a look…

ACTIVITY: How to make up a dance

Kai’s activity was created by acrobat, aerialist, dancer and actress Beth Coleman. All the Marvellous Makers’ brilliant ‘how-to’ activities have been created in partnership with artists and Create.

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