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Creative activities from the British Library

The British Library’s free Discovering Children's Books playlist is brimming with inspiration. Dive in now and explore our cool creative activities.


Image © Shelagh McCarthy

Create a pop-up theatre book 

Imagine you're eagerly sitting in the audience of a glamorous theatre. When the curtains are pulled back, who do you want to see on stage? 


Make a lift-the-flap card

What's inside your treasure chest? Who's behind the door? Learn how to make a simple pop-up card. Lift the flap and something else is revealed!


Image © Allen Fatimaharan

Step inside your story

Create a concertina book and star in your own story, with top tips from brilliant authors and illustrators including Mara the Storyteller, Zanib Mian, S F Said, Jane Porter and Allen Fatimaharan.


Make a miniature book

What’s the smallest book you can think of? Who would you read it with? Explore some amazing mini books created by brilliant authors and illustrators, and learn how to make your own!


A Rabbit Tale by Jacqueline Wilson

The Fossil by Joseph Coelho

The Sunshine Cupboard by Jane Porter

Tim Little by Philip Ardagh


Viviane Schwarz: How to develop a character

Create your own crazy characters with tips from writer and illustrator, Viviane Schwarz.

Viviane Schwarz: Find out more about your character

You know what your characters look like. Now find out who they are. Do they have a favourite food? What are they afraid of?

Viviane Schwarz: making a story

Once you’ve got your characters, get started on your story.


Image © Axel Scheffler

Axel Scheffler: How to draw a Gruffalo

Discover the secret of how to draw your own Gruffalo. We’ll give you a hint… start with the horns!


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